Thursday, October 29, 2020


See list below The Gangpro-8xp is loaded with features not found in comparably priced other gang programmers. Algorithms get out date frequently with every small change in chip fabrication. Auto-sensing and self-programming the Chipmaster XP's auto-sensing feature ensures the device has been inserted correctly and then automatically programs the device. This function protects your pocketbook by preventing expensive chip damage due to operator error. Chipmaster xp Parallel Port Version 5. This saves time and money.
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This saves time and money. Serial numbers generators are available as standard or customer-specific functions.

Part selection, device option settings and desired commands are arranged in a convenient job format in the internal memory. Reads from one format, copies to another format! Gangpro-8xp is the ideal unit for duplication and programming of programmable memory devices. Atmel, Intel, Microchip, etc.

Parallel Port XP upgrade version. It can detect poor pin contact and devices inserted upside down or in the wrong position.

Ordering Information You can directly fill out our order form at www. If you have the W2 Winlink2 model shown on the right picture, you can upgrade to the new modular unit shown in the left photos for a very reasonable price.

The syntax is made so it is based on the CUPL language and provides and exceeds all capabilities of such products.


Support 5V3. All Logical Devices product carry a 30 day exchange policy with any other Logical productwithout any restocking or penalty. More efficient for new device support.

Finally one unit that can replace all previous models of Logical Programmers at affordable cost. You can directly fill out our order form at www. This simply increments the serial numbers in the buffer each time a chipmastrr device is inserted. Serialization function If your memory devices need individual serial numbers with different increment sequence and initial value, the Chipmaster XP has an Auto Increment function.

It can detect poor pin contact and devices inserted upside down or in the wrong position. Replaces the following programmers: This saves time and money.

Logical Devices Device Programmers, Gang progammers, Chip Burners, UV Erasers

Please call us and find out what we can do for you to bring your vital engineering and production programming tool to a more current status. Replaced by Gangpro-8xp Xlink: Only IC manufacturer approved programming algorithms used for high reliability.

Production mode start chip operation the moment the chip is inserted properly. Dual lamps produce nm UV light for optimum erasure time. This advanced pin design lets you program any DIL device of up to 48 pins without needing an adapter Device insertion and contact checks--No mistakes!

You can get the latest software online. Chjpmaster trade value will depend on the product purchased and the product being traded. The new W3 model has moved all of the electronics on the socket platters to the main driver board, therefore lower the cost of 9 socket platters to less than half of the previous model.

Up to 30 part selections and command sequences can be stored in the internal memory and activated by a single button. Read from one chipmastedcopy to another format! You can also call to place order: Logical Devices updates software and algorithm regularly. The unique control interface allows inexperienced personnel to quickly produce programmed parts. Please Click here to get WinZip software: Up to MB Target:

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